Thursday, July 25, 2013

Science Clouds or It Takes a Village to Give a Talk on Cloud Computing

Wednesday July 24, 2013 Kate Keahey, David Lifka, Manish Parashar, Warren Smith, Carol Song, and Shaowen Wang facilitated a Birds of a Feather at XSEDE13 entitled Science Clouds or It Takes a Village to Give a Talk on Cloud Computing.

"The objective of this BOF is to bring together a community of current and prospective XSEDE cloud users and both provide and solicit information on scientific cloud use. We will describe existing cloud offerings in academic space, such as FutureGrid and Red Cloud, describe examples of successful scientific use and discuss with the participants the challenges the community faces when accessing clouds and ways of addressing them, as part of an “approach clinic”. We will then brainstorm ideas on approaches, tools and initiatives that could make the current use of cloud easier and how to evaluate the potential of infrastructure clouds in the context of specific application groups."

For a more complete description of the BOF, please view the XSEDE13 schedule.

Download the slides for the BOF here. [PPTX]

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