1. On Sierra, make sure you've done step1 and step2 of our grizzly tutorial.
2. On your local machine, download your credential from india.
scp -rp [username]@india.futuregrid.org:~/.futuregrid .futuregrid.india
3. On your local machine, upload the credential to sierra. (*Do not
overwrite your.futuregrid on sierra.)
4. On Sierra, load india's credential.scp -rp .futuregrid.india
source ~/.futuregrid.india/openstack/novarc
module load novaclient
5. On Sierra, check your image id and download your image/ramdisk/kernel.
nova image-list|grep [name]
glance image-download [id] --file [file name to save]
6. On Sierra, load sierra's novarc.
source ~/.futuregrid/novarc
7. On Sierra, upload them.
glance image-create --name= --disk-format=aki --container-format=aki < kernel-file
glance image-create --name= --disk-format=ari --container-format=ari < ramdisk-name
glance image-create --name= --disk-format=ami --container-format=ami --property kernel_id=[kernel_id] --property ramdisk_id=[ramdisk_id] < your-image-file.img
very nice and informative, looked for many openstack tutorial, recently joined in http://www.kerneltraining.com/openstack/, can anyone suggest me some books and videos.