Thursday, September 19, 2013

CentOS 6, SL 6 and Debian 7 are available on OpenStack

We are happy to announce that we have added some more useful cloud images on our OpenStack. Now we have CentOS 6, Scientific Linux 6 and Debian 7. And interesting CoreOS too.

[ktanaka@s1 images]$ nova image-list|grep futuregrid
| 53fab752-757e-4b2a-bce6-9f74ba76be26 | futuregrid/centos-6                   | ACTIVE |                                      |
| d5b19d33-8440-4069-815a-de9d8629dae3 | futuregrid/coreos                     | ACTIVE |                                      |
| d40facd1-7496-42b7-8bc7-70235396d349 | futuregrid/debian-7                   | ACTIVE |                                      |
| 18c437e5-d65e-418f-a739-9604cef8ab33 | futuregrid/fedora-18                  | ACTIVE |                                      |
| 1c46e959-5805-47da-a079-58900787ef25 | futuregrid/fedora-19                  | ACTIVE |                                      |
| 8f289ebb-d8fb-48f6-8429-430110eacb4a | futuregrid/sl-6 <- Scientific Linux   | ACTIVE |                                      |
| 1a5fd55e-79b9-4dd5-ae9b-ea10ef3156e9 | futuregrid/ubuntu-12.04               | ACTIVE |                                      |
| f7459a50-3ef4-40f5-a7d7-955fb3af6432 | futuregrid/ubuntu-13.10               | ACTIVE |                                      |

You can boot your instance with this:
nova boot --image <image name> --flavor m1.small --key-name <your key> <instance name>

For more information about how-to, please visit our OpenStack Grizzly Manual.

Also, if you're interested in CoreOS, please check the link.


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